Friday, December 18, 2009

Student Athlete Assembly

For one of my outside events I was somewhat forced to attend a seminar from a speaker named Felicia Hall. The reason that I say that I was forced to attend is because the athletic department sent an e-mail out to all the coaches stating that it was mandatory for players. Normally, I would not be opposed to hearing a success story from a person who knows what it is like to juggle being an athlete and a student. However, I was not a big fan of Ms. Hall's story, maybe it was because I did a million errands that day and the last thing I would have like to do was sit in an auditorium for two hours. I had to be fair though and I listened to the points that she was trying to make. Hall made comments that you have to fight in what you believe in and with superior determination. Also, that you have to be prepared for life once you are off the field or court. I thought she made valid points, but did not think it was an accurate approach for all of her audience. Maybe I just view the world more realistically and no that it is going to take more than just self determination to get the job of good quality. I think Felicia Hall forgot to really reinforce the education concept, because everyone out there in the "Real World" is determined and just because it worked for her does not necessarily mean it will work for everyone else. Now I do understand that she was simply trying to encourage those athletes who never took a moment to reflect on their education and the benefits they can receive from having a college degree. The world is tough sometimes and the paths that we take are not easy strolls. I just wished I could have been touched by her words more.

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